Information about delivery and payment

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Delivery of goods

Our company provides the delivery of goods to the customers throughout Russia and the EU. The  delivery is possible in case of 100 per cent prepayment or collection of delivery. You can take away  your order in out office too.

By the order up from 50.000 rubles the delivery throughout Russia is free.

The cost of delivery on the orders up to 50.000 rubles is 500 rubles.

The delivery throughout Russia provide the following shipping companies:

For the countries from CIS and the EU the cost of registration and delivery is calculated individually and depends on the country of destination and the capacity of delivery.


Your requests about the delivery date you can coordinate with the manager or write them while processing the order. If you draw up your order via Internet in working hours, in max. 1-21 hours our manager will contact you to specify the conditions of the delivery. If your order is processing late in the evening, we’ll contact you the following day in the first 1-2 working hours.

We give you an opportunity to follow your order online in your own cabinet on our website. You won’t need to call to the Clients service department – our online system will allow you to follow the traffic of your order in real-time operation mode.

When you’ll get your order, carefully examine the goods, make sure that there aren’t any visual mechanical damages, check the complete set, presence and accuracy of the filled documents.

Payment for merchandise

Min. cost of the order is 15.000 rubles.

 Respected clients, the payment could be carried out by the following  means:

  • Paying by cash: The payment is carried out in our office (if you take the order away by yourself).
  • Paying by cashless settlement: For the payment by cashless settlement our manager sends you the account by the agreed with you way. To get you order you need to render the original of power of attorney from the organization-payer with the description of the derivable wealth OR certify our copy with motor waybill seal of organization-payer. Please, confirm your order by sending us the copy of payment order via fax or e-mail.
  • Paying by collection on delivery: the payment is carried out when you get your order. Post office takes the fee for the transaction of cash means up from 1 per cent, depending on the region of delivery and the sum of collection on delivery.
  • Paying by credit card: online (VISA, MasterCard). Processing of the payment is carried out via the processing centre PayPal, the biggest paying system in the world.


Backlog for the goods is actual during the 3 days since the day of the order. If you don’t transfer the cash means for the goods ordered in this period, it becomes invalid and you need to get a new account from our company. The goods are ready to be supplied after the enrolment of the cash means on our settlement account.

Pay attention! For the payment for the order via the settlement account and credit card, it’s obligatory to render the copy of registration certificate in the State Inspectorate Assay Office.