
  1. Home
  2. About BaltSilver
  3. Jewelry factory

Our company is situated in St. Petersburg – the cultural capital of Russia. The carried-out manufacture of jewelry corresponds to the European quality standards and the last trends in jewelery design that determines the high popularity of the output. Special attention is devoted to each stage of production - beginning from receiving raw materials, development of jewelry design and ending with the finishing touches put by masters.

To make our jewelry suitable for technological standard of Russia and the European quality standards, the Baltsilver technical checking department carries out multistage quality check at each manufacturing phase, what appears to be an undoubted condition of creation of high quality jewelry.

All products are tested in the State Inspectorate Assay Office and conform to the quality standard of the Russian Federation.

Every day we make efforts so that our products will have the best characteristics and a ratio of the price and quality in the Russian market.