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Welcome to the BaltSilver Company website!

BaltSilver Company successfully works on silver jewelry market since 1997.

The main business activity of BaltSilver is manufacture and import of the silver jewelry for the wholesale customers throughout Russia, the CIS and the EU.

We are very proud of our jewelry production quality and it meets European quality standards.

In addition, we import products from the best manufacturers whose quality of jewelry is verified over the years of joint work. We are working with the manufacturers from such countries as Italy, the Czech Republic, Thailand, Hong Kong.

All our products are verified by the State Inspectorate of Assay Supervision and meet the high quality standards of the Russian Federation.

We know and we truly love our job and it always reflects on our jewelry production. Each piece of our jewelry is made with care and special attention. BaltSilver provides jewelry goods with great quality and with attractive price.


Мы обслуживаем более 1000 компаний в России и СНГ